Boondock Equipment West is an excavation contractor in Vancouver. We have the experience and on the job knowledge necessary to handle any excavation project safely, efficiently, and cost effectively. In addition, we have a large database of Vancouver contractors available for the non excavating components of your project. Boondock Equipment West values customer service and feels strongly about their customers feeling comfortable and confident about any job they are doing. Feel good about your excavation contractor choice and hire Boondock Equipment West for all phases of your excavation project.

asp_resize_editExcavating is defined as the act or process of digging out. Excavating requires care, planning, knowledge and often times, heavy equipment. Hiring a professional to handle excavation projects is the best way to be cost effective, safe, and efficient. There are several reasons to hire an excavating company. You may need a building foundation to be dug, a driveway put in, or an in ground pool to be dug out. Perhaps you need your land cleared,  levelled, or drainage put in. These are all excavating jobs that need to be done with experience and care so the end result is effective.

An excavating company will take care of any and all excavating tasks. Experienced contractors will make sure all pre and post job tasks are handled safely and efficiently. Excavation contractors will make sure that they know the exact location of any and all underground cables and utility lines for gas, phone, water, electricity, and sewage. This is important for safety and convenience sake.  Damage to utilities by inexperienced use of heavy equipment is costly and dangerous.  Be prudent, hire someone you can trust.

When an excavation contractor is hired you can rest assured that the heavy equipment operators are certified for all of the digging equipment being used. Your excavation contractor will also have an understanding of different soil types and be knowledgeable about types of erosion and sediment control. They will have the experience necessary to understand what kind of hole needs to be dug depending on the job being done and the local soil conditions. This type of job experience and proficiency is important as it can prevent accidents.

During the job itself, care will be taken to ensure the earth’s integrity. There are several different excavation techniques. Knowing that your contractor has the knowledge and on the job experience to understand which technique is best ensures peace of mind on your part. If there are a lot of structures in the area, your contractor will understand how best to dig the hole to ensure safety for everyone involved, customers and contractors. Steps will be taken to ensure the safety and integrity of surrounding buildings as well. Knowledge about how deep a hole can be dug depending on the surrounding environment is invaluable. You can rest assured that your excavation contractor will handle everything involved with your excavation job.