
Driveway Paving Cost

If you have a driveway that’s badly cracked, uneven, and pools water, let our equipment and skill effortlessly remove and dispose of this problem. Once the old driveway is removed, we carefully prepare the sub-base using structural materials and mechanical compaction, accomplishing the first and almost always overlooked step in the building of a long lasting driveway or patio that won’t crack. This single most important step serves to keep your driveway, patio or sidewalks stable over the long-run, regardless of whether they are finished with concrete or pavers. Additionally, we ensure that there is adequate drainage so that water cannot cause sub-surface erosion and ensuing slab failure or depressions in paver work. By employing a company such as Boondock Equipment West to do the work, you’ll get all this in one package, you’ll be sure of your investment, and you’ll enjoy a driveway that looks great for years to come.

At Boondock Equipment West we specialize in contracting work to build driveways, curb cuts and sidewalks. The type of driveway that you choose will depend on your needs, the characteristics of your property and soil conditions, as well as weather patterns in your area. For example, steep driveways in West Vancouver that are subject to icing over during the winter require special considerations. Asphalt driveways are economical but do not always perform well over time, especially when subject to heavy vehicles. In most cases however, they serve a purpose, are quick to install and less costly. Concrete driveways are ideal for both businesses and residences that demand durability and attractive finish. When properly installed and correctly reinforced, concrete driveways last the longest and the surface remains relatively unblemished by weather and the course of [...]

By |October 18th, 2013|Landscaping|Comments Off|

Drain Flushing Company

Storm Drains – Flushing and Maintenance
Whether you have an old or new drain tile system it is imperative that the drain tile network is unobstructed, and the sump and backwater valve are clean and functioning properly. This will ensure that water is led away from the base of your foundation and your basement kept dry.

Overtime, sumps accumulate sediments that can pile up so high that they eventually obstruct the discharge of water. Under these circumstances, the sump must be pumped dry and cleaned of muck and debris.

Under the building code in Vancouver new sumps which are located outside must be 18 inches minimum depth from the top of the water surface to the bottom of the sump. This allows for some buffer before sediments can clog the outflow and in only rare cases have I seen new sumps completely plugged. The backwater valve located in the sump must be inspected for proper function to ensure that water is free to flow through.

Most problems arise with older systems where the sump is usually located within the basement and has a significantly smaller catchment; these are often plugged. Probably the biggest problem with these older sumps is the backwater valve which is located in the sump and housed within a cast iron body. The flap or valve which is usually made from brass can jam within the housing from mineral buildup and obstruct outflow of drain water to the sewer.These old systems must be checked and maintained to ensure proper function.

Another issue with these old systems is that the catchment which is made from concrete is cracked and no longer holds water, exposing the backwater valve to the air. This can be a problem since [...]

By |October 18th, 2013|Drainage|Comments Off|

Sewer Line Repair

Sewer drains include toilets, sinks, bathtubs and showers. Most blockages within the home can be remedied by a variety of flushing techniques. However, persistent problems with toilets backing up and basement floor drains overflowing are often due to obstructions outside the home and within the sewer discharge line between the home and the City connection.

Periodic augering of these lines by our experienced professionals can clear your sewer line but continual maintenance is often a sign that your sewer line needs to be upgraded.

In Vancouver, sewer lines in older homes transition from cast iron pipe within the house to a sectional vitreous clay pipe outside the home. These old clay pipes become weakened over time, often infiltrated and cracked by root systems from trees. If you have trouble with your line ad there is a tree close to where your sewer line runs out to the street, chances are the roots have “mined” the pipe. Give us a call and we’ll look at your situation and give you a free consultation as to what steps you should take to keep your sewer line operational.
If you are in the Vancouver, BC area and you have questions about sewer line installation, repair or replacement, do not hesitate to call us at 604-306-1321 for a quote or fill out the form on the right hand side of this page.

By |October 17th, 2013|Drainage|Comments Off|

Vancouver Demolition Services – Demolition Company

If you are in need of demolition services we invite you to call us or fill in the form to the right of this page to arrange for one of our demolition experts to come out and discuss the process with you and provide a free estimate. Even if you have a small garage to remove to make way for other plans, we’ll be happy to help you.

Whether you have bought a beautiful piece of property with an unsightly home on it or you are in the process of expanding the size of your business, you will need the services of an experienced demolition company. Boondock Equipment West Inc has the knowledge and skill that is necessary to ensure that your project is completed quickly and efficiently. We have the equipment needed to complete even the most difficult job, are educated on handling potentially dangerous or hazardous materials, and will make certain that all debris is removed from your property. We take pride in completing a job well done that leaves your property ready for the next step in your rebuilding or remodelling project.

Demolition with heavy equipment is a hazardous job and must not be performed by the inexperienced. The process of house demolition is more complicated than most people think. The smallest mistake can result in major complications that are expensive and time consuming to fix. This work requires careful planning and preparation that we take very seriously. Permits must also be obtained from the city prior to the start of any demolition project. We own and maintain the heavy equipment with all the modern attachments needed for all sorts of demolition. We take all safety precautions needed to ensure that your property [...]

By |October 17th, 2013|Excavation|Comments Off|

Sump Pump – Installation or Repair

Most new homes in Vancouver that were built with a class 1 or class 2 fixture restriction have at least one sump pump, and rely upon the sump pump to move water away from their foundation and keep their basement dry.

It is imperative that these systems be checked at least once a year, and that the built in alarm system is functional. An alarm sounds when there is a failure in the system and an imminent threat that water may enter the basement. Some systems have a back up while others do not. I have personally inspected recent installations that surprisingly had no monitor or alarm. This means that at any time, the pump may fail without warning and water will begin to enter the basement. This can cause massive damage and huge costs. Having your sump pump and system checked by a professionally qualified technician is essential for your piece of mind and the protection of your home.

Although infrequent, I can remember a few occasions when Vancouver experienced an enormous amount of rainfall over short periods combined with unexpected power outages in various areas. These recent storm events wreaked havoc upon certain houses dependant on sump pumps. The inclement weather combined with power failure resulted in some sump pumps shutting down and basements flooding. Most owners are not aware of this danger. To make matters worse, if the alarm system is not battery supported, or if the battery has gone dead, the system cannot warn homeowners that the sump pump has stopped operating.

While many commercial systems have a generator backup, most residential systems do not. If you own a home with a finished basement that relies upon a sump pump, it is prudent [...]

By |October 17th, 2013|Drainage|Comments Off|

Build Retaining Wall

Many properties in Vancouver employ the use of retaining walls in their landscape for both practical and aesthetic reasons. Retaining walls can be as simple and elegant as a “dry fit” stone installation, or as modern as architectural concrete. Regardless of the finish, it is important that the base of the wall is excavated and prepared carefully, and that special drainage is installed behind and near the base of the wall to ensure strength and reduce the chance of slides and unwanted water buildup. I have seen many nicely done retaining walls that have left out these underlying steps and resulted in wall failures and wet soggy yards.

At Boondock, we not only dig and prepare for retaining walls, we also prescribe and install a drainage system that protects the landscape and home within the larger context of water issues on sloped land. Excavation is just one step in this process. We have both the ability and knowledge to ensure that all steps are performed properly so that your investment is a happy and lasting one.
If you have questions about building a retaining wall or if you are in the process of getting quotes for having one built, do not hesitate to call us at 604-306-1321 for a quote.  Or fill in the form on the right hand side of this site.

By |October 17th, 2013|Landscaping|Comments Off|

Oil Tank Removal

The scariest thing about oil tank removal is the uncertain costs associated with the removal of soils contaminated by a leak in the tank. The best time to remove an oil tank is now. This is because this mitigates the increasing probability of a leakage over time, and therefore minimizes the cost of removal now. Most tanks I’ve dealt with have been fine and removal has been straight forward. It takes experience to uncover, drain and remove a tank while avoiding damage to the tank and spillage to the surrounding area. In most cases where access is not an issue, a typical oil tank removal job can be as little as a few thousand dollars.
Call me for a free quotation today at 604-306-1321 or fill in the form to the right.
Oil tank removal is a complicated task with many hazards if performed incorrectly.  If you have an underground oil tank in your home that you would like removed, it is important to hire a professional expert instead of doing it yourself. This is because the expert is well equipped and experienced to remove the oil tank safely and efficiently. The process is even more complicated when the oil tank is old because it has a higher chance of damage, which can cause leakage of oil to the surroundings, and ensuing pollution. If the tank leaks during the removal process, it can cause harm and damage to the environment in the vicinity.

A leaking tank can cause the plants in the vicinity to die off or even contaminate water bodies in the area causing irreparable damage to the surrounding ecosystem. Underground oil tank removal is highly complicated because the tank may have weak spots [...]

By |October 17th, 2013|Excavation|Comments Off|

Foundations – New/Old

New Foundations
New foundations must be properly damp proofed and covered with products like Dimple Guard that serve as mechanical protection between soils/rock and the new, damp proofed concrete surface. If your project is classified as a renovation, then the current building code does not require the installation of foundation protection such as dimple Guard; a raised house with a new foundation is classified as a renovation.
Foundation Repair – Fixing foundation cracks
If you’ve got an old house and are worried about cracks in your foundation, let us come over and do a free consultation. We’ll inspect the foundation outside and inside and give you our assessment. Small cracks are not often a problem, but large cracks can lead to ingress of water to the basement, especially in moisture laden soils that don’t drain well, such as clay. So the local area of Vancouver and the local soil conditions play a role here; not every situation presents the same remedies and often, an assessment of the entire context is crucial in determining a successful solution for your home. Call me for a free assessment and I’ll provide you with a solution that fits best for your home and property.

A home is an expensive but much needed part of everyone’s life. There are many things to do to ensure that your home is safe and sound. The foundation is essentially the most important part of your home. Sometimes a building’s foundation is damaged by a variety of different reasons.

If your foundation is cracked there are many ways to fix the foundation crack.  However, the actual extent of the damage must be assessed by a professional that understands these types of problems.  At Boondock Equipment [...]

By |October 17th, 2013|Excavation|Comments Off|

Stump Removal

Stump removal is is a difficult task for the ordinary person, and something that many people must deal with. Tree stump removal is essential for a number of reasons. Trees that have died from disease or advanced age or trees that have been partially knocked down due to extenuating circumstances must be removed in their entirety, especially if other structures, landscape or otherwise, are desired over the area.

Tree stumps can be unsightly, represent an impediment to cutting grass and using your yard, and are simply in the way of any plans you may have to develop the area.

Tree stump removal should be performed by a professional company due to the need for powerful equipment, and the experience required to safely remove them. For example, underground services must be located prior to removal such as delicate plastic gas lines which can be severed or pulled apart if they are near, or growing through the tree roots. These can be delicate situations and must be handled by a professional company in order to complete the work safely and without causing damage and additional costs. When removing large tree stumps, it is recommended to fill the remaining void with structural material such as sand or gravel in order to prevent settlement over the area. Grinding a stump and building over it is not a good practice. Let us take the difficulty of this job from your hands, fast, easy and safely.

If you have tree stumps that need to be removed and you are looking for someone who is qualified in stump removal, call us for a quote at 604-306-1321 or fill in our quote form to the right. You can get an accurate quote either way. Enjoy the peace of [...]

By |October 17th, 2013|Landscaping|Comments Off|

Septic System Installation Or Repair

Waste elimination. It’s an inexorable fact of daily life, but no one wants to talk about it.

When it comes to your home, though, waste elimination is a topic that simply can’t be ignored. Maintaining or upgrading an existing septic system, or installing a new one, is one of the most important tasks faced by homeowners.

But getting the right person or company to do that work can be a challenge. It requires some research and homework about the type of septic system you have, along with learning the requirements of general maintenance and what’s involved in installing a new system.

The first step in the research is to know your own system.

There are several basic types:

Sand filter system. This is the most common septic system in most homes. It’s normally used in yards with very shallow soil, with a layer of sand between the pump tank and the drainage field treating the waste water before it enters the system. The sand makes up for lack of soil normally used to treat waste.
Mound system. This type of system is also used when yard soil isn’t deep enough for a traditional system. A sand-filled mound is raised over the natural soil, with waste water treated as it travels through sand into natural soil.o Gravity-based system. In this type of system, gravity is used to drain waste water into a series of trenches. The drainage field for the waste water must be below the level of the septic tank, and the bottom of trenches must be 3-4 feet below the water table. The soil above the water table is used to treat waste water before it returns to the environment.
Pressure distribution system. This system is normally used [...]

By |October 17th, 2013|Drainage|Comments Off|