Stump removal is is a difficult task for the ordinary person, and something that many people must deal with. Tree stump removal is essential for a number of reasons. Trees that have died from disease or advanced age or trees that have been partially knocked down due to extenuating circumstances must be removed in their entirety, especially if other structures, landscape or otherwise, are desired over the area.

Tree stumps can be unsightly, represent an impediment to cutting grass and using your yard, and are simply in the way of any plans you may have to develop the area.

Big-stumpTree stump removal should be performed by a professional company due to the need for powerful equipment, and the experience required to safely remove them. For example, underground services must be located prior to removal such as delicate plastic gas lines which can be severed or pulled apart if they are near, or growing through the tree roots. These can be delicate situations and must be handled by a professional company in order to complete the work safely and without causing damage and additional costs. When removing large tree stumps, it is recommended to fill the remaining void with structural material such as sand or gravel in order to prevent settlement over the area. Grinding a stump and building over it is not a good practice. Let us take the difficulty of this job from your hands, fast, easy and safely.

If you have tree stumps that need to be removed and you are looking for someone who is qualified in stump removal, call us for a quote at 604-306-1321 or fill in our quote form to the right. You can get an accurate quote either way. Enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that you are hiring a company that is highly experienced and knowledgeable about tree stump removal.

Our company has the necessary equipment and techniques to remove tree stumps successfully and safely with a minimum amount of disruption to your property.

Contact us today at 604-306-1321 for a quote today or fill in the form to the right of this page.